Our names are Caitlin, Keyannah and Brooke and we would like to tell you about our SLES 2022 experience so far.
We are very excited that we have our graduation next week. We are getting our Certificate I in Transition Education. We are very proud of ourselves. Some of the SLES team have been doing work experience in the warehouse, they have been doing show bags, seed packaging and [work for] Australia Post. Some of the other SLES participants have been doing work in the office doing shredding and reception work. Others have been doing gardening with the garden crew in Werribee.
We would like to congratulate Kyle, Josh, Chloe, Monica, Michael and Tristan for finishing SLES and getting a job.
We have been having fun in class with the different activities we do. This year has been good because we haven’t been doing online learning. We have been face-to-face learning and enjoying each other’s company.
We have also been able to go to the Social Club. So far, we have been to Scienceworks, Grazeland (pictured above), the movies and we had a BBQ in Footscray. Life is starting to get back to normal and that is so good.

Keyannah, Brooke and Hamish visiting Grazelands with the Social Club
Mentally we are having a better year because we aren’t worried or stressed out about lockdowns. Also, we found out that Brittany recently got engaged during the holidays and she showed us the video which was beautiful, and her ring is big!
Hopefully, graduation is a good time to see old faces and have fun with each other. We had to cancel about three times because of restrictions so we are over the moon to finally celebrate. We are hopeful we will get jobs soon too like the others or get into another course even.
Thanks for reading our first blog for 2022. We hope we get to share our graduation experience with you all.

Caitlin and Keyannah prepare food for their Christmas party at the end of 2021
To find out more about our SLES program visit our School Leaver Employment Support page.
You can also visit our SLES FAQ to learn how this program works.
Want to know if SLES is right for you? Contact one of our friendly team members on 9731 9200 or email us at hello@
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