Some days have been more difficult than others for the SLES participants, but the thing that I find so rewarding is the determination they all have. No matter how they are feeling they always show up consistently to online training.
Every Monday we have been looking at affirmations to help us maintain a positive week ahead. SLES is not just about work-related skills, SLES is about learning to cope in the difficult times as well and to learn to tackle obstacles that we are faced with daily.
Last week, I decided to ask the SLES participants to write down the reasons they have chosen a particular career path to follow, and I found the answers to be inspiring. I wanted to share some of the responses that were given to me.
I chose this career as my dad is a builder. He owns his own company. In the future I would like to work alongside him. My dad inspires me and believes in me to be a builder and never give up on achieving my goal. I like how you can look at a plan and build something. You can earn a lot of money doing a job you love to do. Every day is a different in what you will build.
I have always been interested in nannies and what they do. I would love to have a job that is looking after kids. When I was younger my Nan used to be a childcare worker and I used to go and help her. Deep down I always knew I wanted to look after children, and I think it is amazing how many ways you can look after kids.
I picked a stable hand because I love horses. I think it would be fun to work with horses and learn more about them. I am interested in having a career as a stable hand because I think it would be fun. I found that a stable hand does more than just clean stables. They also feed, wash, and help train horses and care for them. They also keep all training equipment clean.
Chloe wanted to be a nurse but during COVID she decided not to pursue it. However, Chloe explained the reason why she is so interested in nursing.
I chose this job because I feel nurses do a very important job in the community looking after the sick and unwell. Especially at the present time during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the present time I am not interested in nursing due to COVID, I would find this type of work to be very stressful and challenging.
Despite being in lockdown the SLES team are keeping positive and are excited to see where the future will take them.
To find out more about our SLES program visit our School Leaver Employment Support page.
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