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NDIS – Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding the NDIS can feel a bit overwhelming – we understand if you’ve got lots of questions.

Whether you are new to the NDIS or already have a plan, we’re here to take the stress out of the NDIS. To start off, we’ve answered some of the most common NDIS questions for you below.

What is the NDIS?

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The NDIS provides people with a disability direct access to funds based on an assessment of their individual needs.

What is the NDIA?

The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency. The NDIA’s role is to manage the NDIS.

An NDIA planner will meet with you to help you apply for your first NDIS plan.

How do I know if I’m eligible?

If you are aged under 65 years and have a permanent and significant disability, you may be eligible for NDIS services. For more information on NDIS eligibility and access, visit our NDIS eligibility page.

What is an NDIA planner and what is a planning meeting?

An NDIA planner is someone from the NDIA who will help you create your first NDIS plan. They will discuss your current lifestyle, your support needs, and your goals. This discussion will take place during your ‘planning meeting’.

It’s a very good idea to start thinking about your lifestyle, your goals, and the supports you currently need so that when you meet with your NDIA planner, you will have all the information ready to go.

Can I have people support me during my planning meeting?

Yes, you can have a support person, or people, with you to support you during your planning meeting. In fact, it’s a great idea to have someone with you if you feel it would help. You can have a family member, friends, someone from your current service provider, or an advocate join you; or you can go on your own.

What do my services cost under the NDIS?

Mambourin charges customers at the price limit in the NDIS Support Catalogue for all supports. You can find a copy of the latest price guide as well as support information on the NDIS website here: NDIS price guides and information

Mambourin is a registered Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) provider.

How long will my NDIS plan go for?

Your NDIS plan runs for 12 months. Before the 12 months is up (usually around 6 weeks before) you will be contacted by the NDIA to schedule a review of your plan for the year ahead.

What if I need to make changes to my NDIS plan?

If there is a big change in your life that will require you to change your supports outlined in your plan before the end of 12 months (such as illness to you or a family member) you can contact your NDIA planner and ask for an early review.

What if I am not happy with my plan?

If you are not happy with your plan you can contact your planner or the NDIA and discuss the things that you are not happy with. You can also go through a review process with the NDIA, called an internal review.

It is very important that you review your plan very carefully to make sure it has all of the supports you need.

What is an NDIS plan review and when will I have one?

NDIS plan reviews usually happen about 12 months after your plan started.

Due to the pandemic, the NDIA simplified the plan review process and as a result, people with their plans due for review may be offered to roll over their plan for another 12 months at the same value.

Should I accept a rollover or extension of my NDIS plan?

This decision depends on your personal circumstances. We usually recommend that you review your NDIS plan every 12 months because your situation or support needs may have changed since your last plan. That way, the plan is always based on your current needs. However, it is important to keep in mind that plan values can go up, down or stay the same after review. 

If you are still not sure what to do, feel free to contact our team and we can talk through your options.

Do I need to let Mambourin know if my plan is returned, rolled over, or extended?

Yes, please let us know about any changes or updates to your plan. This not only allows us to update your records, but also enables us to check that you have adequate funding. For example, if you shared your plan with us and we found that you would not have sufficient funds to meet your support needs, we could assist you to request a review from the NDIA.

You can find out more in our previous post: Why we ask to see your plan.

Have a different question?

Get in touch with out NDIS and Intake Team 

Throughout the NDIS process, our dedicated NDIS team can help you every step of the way. No matter your question or support needs, you can contact them at any time on 9731 9200 or via ndis@

If you would like to contact the NDIS directly go to ndis.gov.au

Email: enquiries@ndis.gov.au

Call 1800 800 110* Monday to Friday, 8am to 11pm local times

For people with hearing or speech loss:

  • TTY: 1800 555 677
  • Speak and Listen: 1800 555 727
  • For people who need help with English TIS: 131 450

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