Keyannah, Nathan and Tristan tell us how work experience at the Brimbank Careers Exploration Day helped them to make connections and recognise their own strengths.
Today a few of us who were interested joined Brittany and Anna at the expo to help promote Mambourin. It was part of our work experience and helped with our confidence as we spoke to many different people from all ages. The highlight of our day was exploring and gathering information about courses and making new connections. We looked around the place and also networked with all different industries and we helped to promote ourselves too. We met universities workers, teachers, other students and assistants. They were all very nice and helpful.
We really enjoyed the day as it was fun filled, we met new people, we were getting to see new things and we were also gaining new information. We also learnt some new stuff like what courses are on offer and how we can gain a job in that industry. We would recommend the experience because you can end up getting lots of useful information and it helps build your confidence talking to other people.

Tristan looks through some careers brochures
We met around 20 or more people today. There were lots of big groups and crowds and on each table they had about two people which was good if you are shy. People were nice and helpful and answered all questions as best they could. We spoke to lots of people and when they came to our booth, we answered all questions and smiled. We also got some free stuff from courses, employers and we also got free snacks that we really enjoyed. We also gave students and teachers free lollies, pens and bags – that was fun watching everyone come over to eat our lollies.

Caitlin is ready to check out some of the stalls
Michael made a lot of people laugh and he was very funny making jokes when they came to speak to us at the booth. He has a way of making you smile and laugh at everything he says. People really enjoyed coming over and speaking to him because he had a lot of jokes. Caitlin was very lovely at promoting us and is a really good friend to everyone. She has a way of making everyone laugh and smile. It was good to know we had a friend looking out for us when we felt shy or anxious talking to people. She was very warm and so people kept coming back to the booth just to see her. Keyannah and Nathan were also very friendly, kind and professional and helped everyone answer questions. Tristan helped answer everyone’s queries and was very welcoming which made people come over and talk to us all.
Finally, Brittany and Anna – the two people who organised everything for us. We owe them a ton of gratitude as they are the ones who took us to the event and they made the day by being lovely people.
Thanks for reading!
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