In May we held our second annual Disability Worker Awards in partnership with The Rotary Club of Footscray. Awards across three categories were presented at a ceremony with some proud family members in attendance. The winners were selected for their significant contribution to our community.
Congratulations to the winners of our annual disability worker awards for 2023. The award certificates and cash prizes of $1000 each were presented to three very deserving winners.
Nominations were able to be made by any member of the Mambourin team, and were accepted for:
- providing exceptional service
- demonstrating empathy and care ‘beyond the call of duty’
- developing and delivering an innovative or unique program to support a person with disability
- contributing to the organisation or the disability sector more broadly e.g., through contribution to the development of a safer system of work practice or a new policy that leads to higher quality and safer supports to people with disabilities.
We are very proud to announce the winners of the three prizes! A big congratulations to Ben, Alem and Marie!

Ben and his family
Most Outstanding Supported Employee of the Year Award: Ben Eldridge
Ben started at Mambourin when completing his Certificate 2 Horticulture in 2021 and has come a long way in his training and employment journey. He is always enthusiastic and demonstrates a lot of initiative.
Ben is the first person out of the truck when the team arrives at the work site and the last back on the truck at the end of a job.
Ben is always eager to learn. When the gardening team got a new ride-on mower, Ben researched the model on YouTube at home and told his supervisor all about it the next day.
Ben works independently, knowing what needs to be done at a job site. He understands the progression of a job and thinks ahead ensuring that the appropriate equipment is prepared and ready for use.
Ben has a positive attitude and is always ready and willing to assist his work mates. For example, on an occasion when the team had a problem with their equipment nearing the end of the day, Ben offered to stay behind to help deal with that situation. Ben continually shows progress and dedication.

Alem and her family
Most Outstanding Disability Support Worker of the Year Award: Alem Yale Tirunhe
Alem started as a casual facilitator at our Deer Park Community Hub in 2011 and quickly gained a permanent role. Alem is now a facilitator at our Melton Community Hub.
Alem always puts the people we support first and speaks to staff kindly and respectfully if she sees something that needs to be changed.
Melton colleagues also gave a special acknowledgement of the way Alem was able to step in to lead programs and manage staff teams during COVID outbreaks at the hub.
Alem communicates with everyone in a friendly and fair way. She is always happy to assist with program delivery and supervision, and displays tolerance and understanding with our staff members too.

Marie with her brother-in-law Aimable
Most outstanding first year disability support worker of the year award: Marie Imanishimwe
Marie joined us as a student in 2022. After finishing her qualification, she started with us as a casual and has now progressed to a full-time role.
Marie has shown great initiative during high stress situations such as being able to manage a large group when an individual became heightened, taking the lead in her programs and making sure all community members are included.
Marie has developed a rapport with all the people we support and staff and is a pleasure to work alongside. She goes above and beyond in all that she does and is always looking for ways to improve her work practice to best support our community members.